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Providence College supplemental essays?

Hi there! I'm starting my application for Providence College and heard that there are some supplemental essays to be submitted as well. Can anyone tell me what the prompts are like and any tips for writing them effectively? Thank you!

a year ago

Hello! Providence College does request supplemental essays as part of their application process. While prompts may change a bit each year, they generally revolve around the following themes:

1. Personal reflection: This prompt usually asks you to reflect on an experience or situation when your actions, beliefs, or ideas were challenged. In your response, focus on explaining what you learned from the experience and how it contributed to your personal growth. Make sure to be genuine and authentic in your storytelling, recalling specific moments and emotions to better engage the reader.

2. Connection to school values: Providence College is a Catholic institution, so one of the prompts may ask you to discuss your connection to their values or mission. It's essential to research the school and its motto, "Truth, Unity, Love," to understand its guiding principles. Reflect on your personal beliefs and experiences and find common ground with the school's values. Remember, it's okay if you don't directly align with Catholicism; instead, show how you can contribute to the spiritual, intellectual, and social dialogues on campus.

3. Why Providence College: Another common prompt is about why you're applying to Providence College specifically and how you hope to contribute to the campus community. To answer this effectively, do some research on the college's programs, clubs, and opportunities that align with your interests and passions. Describe how you would benefit from these offerings and how you plan to make an impact during your time there. Be specific and avoid general statements that could apply to any college.

When writing your supplemental essays, remember to focus on your personal narrative, making your response engaging and unique. Have a clear structure and avoid cliche topics. Finally, take the time to proofread and revise your essays to ensure they're polished and well-written.

Good luck with your application to Providence College!

a year ago

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