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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How to obtain a Common App fee waiver?

Hey all, I've heard that it's possible to receive fee waivers for the Common App. What's the process for requesting one, and where can I find the necessary form?

a year ago

Hello! To obtain a Common App fee waiver, you need to demonstrate financial hardship, making it difficult for you to afford the application fees. Here's a step-by-step process for requesting a fee waiver through the Common App:

1. First, you'll need to create an account on the Common App website if you haven't already:

2. Once you've logged in and started your application, navigate to the "Profile" section. Here, you will find a subsection called "Common App Fee Waiver."

3. Click on "Common App Fee Waiver" and read the provided information regarding the eligibility criteria. The Common App uses the same eligibility criteria that the College Board and ACT use for their respective test fee waivers.

4. If you believe you’re eligible, check the box that states, "I feel that my financial circumstances warrant a fee waiver, and I meet one or more of the eligibility indicators explained above." Then, select the reasons that apply to your financial situation. You may need to provide additional information to clarify your situation.

5. Once you have checked the appropriate boxes, your counselor will need to approve the request when you submit your application. This means that when you invite your counselor to complete the School Report via the "Recommenders" section, they will have the opportunity to confirm your fee waiver request.

6. After your counselor approves the request, the fee waiver will be applied when you submit your application to each college on your list, so you won't have to pay the application fees for those schools.

Remember, it's essential to have an open conversation with your counselor about your financial situation, as they'll need to verify your eligibility for the fee waiver. Good luck with your college applications!

a year ago

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