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When do colleges inform you about financial aid packages?

So once I'm accepted to a college, when can I expect to find out how much financial aid I'll be receiving? Will it come with the acceptance letter or later? A little bit stressed about this whole process.

a year ago

It's completely understandable that you're feeling stressed about financial aid! The timeline for receiving financial aid information can differ between colleges, but I'll provide a general overview to help ease your worries.

Typically, your financial aid package will arrive around the same time as your acceptance letter, if not shortly after. For Regular Decision applicants, this usually means March or April. If you applied through an Early Decision or Early Action process, you can expect financial aid info around December or January. Keep in mind that need-based financial aid packages are dependent on you submitting financial documents, like the FAFSA or CSS Profile, on time. Ensure that your financial aid documents are submitted by the deadlines provided by the colleges to guarantee timely aid package processing.

For merit-based scholarships, most schools automatically consider you when you apply, and the scholarships are often included in the financial aid package. However, some colleges may offer separate merit-based scholarships with unique deadlines and requirements, so pay close attention to any communications from your schools regarding scholarship opportunities.

If you haven't received your financial aid package after a week or two from receiving your acceptance letter, consider reaching out to the college's financial aid office to inquire about the status of your package. Always remember to be patient, as the process can sometimes take a bit longer than anticipated.

Good luck, and I hope you receive a generous financial aid package that will help you attend your desired college!

a year ago

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