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Tulane vs Michigan: Deciding on a college

Hey everyone, I'm trying to choose between Tulane University and the University of Michigan for a business major. How do their business programs and internships compare? And what's the overall campus vibe at both schools? I appreciate any advice!

5 months ago

Congratulations on getting accepted to both Tulane and the University of Michigan! Both are great schools, but they do have some differences in their business programs, internship opportunities, and campus vibes.

Business Program Comparison:

- Tulane: The A. B. Freeman School of Business at Tulane has a solid reputation, with various majors and concentrations, such as finance, management, and marketing. The smaller class sizes may allow for more personalized attention from professors.

- Michigan: The Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan is consistently ranked as one of the top business schools in the country. With a wider range of resources, cutting-edge facilities and research opportunities, Michigan's business program can open up more opportunities for networking and even international exposure.

Internship Opportunities:

Both schools emphasize the importance of internships and provide resources to help students secure them. However, Ross's higher national ranking and extensive alumni network might lead to more prestigious or varied internship opportunities than Tulane. Michigan's location near Detroit, a hub for various industries, could also provide more internship prospects in fields like finance, automotive, and technology.

Campus Vibes:

- Tulane: Located in New Orleans, Tulane offers a unique and rich cultural experience. The campus culture is generally warm and welcoming, with a strong emphasis on community service. Students enjoy exploring the city, which is known for its vibrant music scene, diverse food options, and distinctive architecture.

- Michigan: The University of Michigan in Ann Arbor has a lively and energetic campus atmosphere, with a strong sense of school spirit and tradition. Sports events, especially football games, are an essential part of campus life. Ann Arbor itself is a quintessential college town that provides a mix of intellectual and recreational activities for students.

Ultimately, your decision should be based on which environment best fits your personal preferences and career goals. While Michigan's business program has a stronger reputation and possibly more internship opportunities, Tulane's unique location and culture might be more appealing to you.

Take some time to evaluate what matters most to you in terms of campus experience, resources, and potential career paths. Good luck with your decision!

5 months ago

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