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Coalition App and colleges that accept it?

Hey guys! I've been hearing about Coalition Application lately and I'm trying to understand which colleges accept it. Could anyone provide insights into the perks of using the Coalition App and share some schools that accept it? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hello! The Coalition Application is another platform similar to the Common Application, where you can apply to multiple colleges at once. It is especially useful for students who come from low-income backgrounds, as the Coalition App is designed with affordability in mind, and includes tools like the MyCoalition online locker to help with college planning and collaboration.

As for the colleges that accept the Coalition App, there are currently over 150 schools that do so, including many top-tier institutions. Some notable examples include Stanford, Yale, Harvard, University of Chicago, and Northwestern University. However, the list is constantly being updated, so it's wise to check the Coalition App website for the most current information on which colleges accept it.

Now, when it comes to the perks of using the Coalition Application, here are a few:

1. Free application platform: The Coalition Application itself is free to use, although colleges might still charge application fees, which can vary depending on the school. There are fee waivers available for eligible low-income students.

2. MyCoalition online locker: This digital storage tool allows students to save important documents, essays, and other materials related to their college applications. It also lets students collaborate with mentors and counselors, who can provide valuable guidance and feedback.

3. Application assistance: Coalition schools are committed to making college accessible for all, so you'll find ample resources, guidance, and support to help you navigate the application process.

4. Student-centered approach: The Coalition Application aims to minimize stress and help students stay organized throughout the application process.

It's worth noting that some students may prefer the Coalition Application over the Common Application, or even submit applications through both platforms for different schools. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and the schools you're interested in. Make sure you research each school’s specific application requirements, as they may differ between the Coalition App and other platforms.

a year ago

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