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University of Iowa vs Michigan State for undergrad?

Hey everyone! I'm trying to decide between University of Iowa and Michigan State for my undergrad - majoring in computer science. I've heard great things about both schools, but can't really figure out which one would be the best fit for me. Can anyone give me some insight on their differences and any pros/cons of each university?

a year ago

Hi! Both University of Iowa and Michigan State have strong computer science programs, so it's a matter of personal preferences and what you prioritize in your college experience. Let's break down some key differences:


University of Iowa is in Iowa City, a college town with an artsy, relaxed vibe. The community is smaller, so you may have a closer relationship with professors and other students. Michigan State, on the other hand, is in East Lansing, a larger college town that offers more entertainment options and a busier atmosphere.


Michigan State has a larger student body, so you might have more opportunities for networking and attending events. However, larger classes and a bigger campus might mean less personal interaction with your professors and fewer resources. University of Iowa is smaller in comparison, which could lead to a more tight-knit community and personalized education.

Resources and research:

Both universities have research facilities and opportunities for undergraduate students to get involved in projects. Michigan State may have more resources overall due to its size, but this doesn't necessarily mean better access for undergraduate students. At University of Iowa, you might find it easier to develop relationships with faculty members and have a higher chance of securing research positions.


Both schools offer a variety of clubs, activities, and athletic events. Michigan State has a prominent Big Ten athletic program, so if you're a sports fan, this could make a difference in your overall college experience. University of Iowa also has competitive sports teams and a vibrant arts scene, so it's essential to consider which extracurricular activities you're most interested in.


Tuition and fees might be an important factor, so compare the financial aid packages and scholarship opportunities at both schools before making a decision. Michigan State's out-of-state tuition is generally higher than University of Iowa's, but your personal financial aid package could make a difference in overall cost.

Ultimately, it's essential to think about which factors matter most to you, whether it's class size, location, research opportunities, or extracurriculars. If possible, visiting both campuses and speaking with current students or faculty could give you a better sense of which school is the right fit for you. Good luck with your decision!

a year ago

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