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Is an LSAT score of 163 good?

So I just got my LSAT score back and it's a 163. Honestly, I'm not sure whether I should be happy or sad about it. Is this considered a good score? What types of law schools might I be able to get into with this score? Any advice is appreciated!

a year ago

A 163 on the LSAT is a solid score - it places you in approximately the 86th percentile of LSAT takers. While it may not be the top 1% of scores that can get you into the most elite law schools (i.e., T14 schools like Yale, Harvard, or Stanford), it does open doors to various reputable law schools and regional programs.

With a 163, you have a strong chance of being accepted into law schools ranked between 20-100 in the US News Law School Rankings. Keep in mind, though, that your chances at each school will also depend on other factors of your application, such as your undergraduate GPA, personal statement, letters of recommendation, resume, and the overall strength of your application.

As you research law schools, evaluate options that have a median LSAT score close to your own, as these programs are more likely to admit students with scores similar to yours. Additionally, consider factors like geographic location, employment rates after graduation, and the strength of their programs in your areas of interest.

If you're unsatisfied with your score and believe you can do better, you may want to consider retaking the LSAT. Many applicants improve their scores on their second or even third attempt, and most law schools take the highest score when considering applications.

In summary, while a 163 may not guarantee admission to a top-tier law school, it is still a strong score that can get you into many reputable law programs. Research schools matching your score and other aspects of your application, and if you feel confident you can improve, consider re-taking the LSAT to boost your chances. Good luck!

a year ago

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