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UMD transfer acceptance rate?

Hey everyone, I'm really interested in transferring to UMD next year. Can anyone here tell me what the acceptance rate for transfer students is, and if it's any different from the regular freshman acceptance rate? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hey there! The University of Maryland (UMD) does not publish a specific acceptance rate for transfer students. However, their overall acceptance rate for both freshman and transfer students is usually around 44-47%. You can safely assume that the transfer acceptance rate is within a similar range.

Regarding your chances of getting accepted as a transfer student, several factors come into play, such as your current college GPA, rigor of courses taken, involvement in extracurriculars, and a clear explanation of your reason for transferring. Be sure to focus on these aspects to strengthen your application.

It's also important to check UMD's specific requirements for transfer students, which include completing a minimum of 12 credits at your current institution and maintaining a good academic standing. You can find more information on their transfer admission criteria on UMD's website. Best of luck!

a year ago

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