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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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AP Scholar Cords for Graduation?

Hi all! I've earned the AP Scholar Award and I'm curious if there are any cords for graduates who achieve this? It would be really nice to have something to show off at graduation. If you've seen or received an AP Scholar cord, please let me know. Thanks!

6 months ago

Congratulations on earning the AP Scholar Award! Your hard work has certainly paid off. However, it is important to note that the College Board, the organization that administers the AP program, does not provide specific chords or graduation regalia for AP Scholars.

That being said, your school might have its own set of guidelines regarding graduation cords and other regalia to recognize various achievements, including AP Scholar Awards. It's best to check with your school's administration or your guidance counselor to see if your school offers a graduation cord or any other way to acknowledge your accomplishment during the graduation ceremony.

If your school does not have a specific cord for AP Scholars, you can still include the AP Scholar distinction on your college applications, resume, and other documents where you share your achievements. While it might not be visible at graduation, your hard work and dedication will still be recognized and valued by others. Good luck, and enjoy your graduation!

6 months ago

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