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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Converting WGPA to GPA

Hey guys, my school uses a weighted GPA system (WGPA), but I've noticed that some colleges request unweighted GPAs. How do I go about converting my WGPA to a regular GPA? Can I do it myself, or do I need help from my school?

a year ago

Hello! Converting your weighted GPA (WGPA) to an unweighted GPA is a fairly simple process, and you can do it yourself. The primary difference between a weighted and unweighted GPA is that the weighted system factors in the difficulty of the courses you've taken, such as AP, IB, or honors classes.

To convert your WGPA to a regular GPA, follow these steps:

1. Make a list of all your classes and their respective grades.

2. For each class, determine the standard grade on a 4.0 scale. (A = 4.0, B = 3.0, C = 2.0, etc.)

3. If a class was an AP, IB, or honors course, simply use that standard grade, ignoring any additional weight your school assigns for such courses.

4. Add up all the standard grades from your list, and then divide the sum by the total number of classes to get your unweighted GPA.

Keep in mind that some colleges might recalculate your GPA based on their own weighted or unweighted scales, but having your unweighted GPA can help give you a general idea of where you stand.

Don't hesitate to reach out to your school counselor if you need any assistance or need clarity on your school's specific grading policies. Good luck!

a year ago

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