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UCLA Transfer Acceptance Rate by Major

Hey everyone, I'm thinking about transferring to UCLA and I've heard that acceptance rates can vary a lot depending on the major you apply to. Can someone provide some info on transfer acceptance rates for different UCLA majors? Are there any majors that are particularly easier or harder to get into as a transfer?

a year ago

Hello! You're absolutely right that the acceptance rates for UCLA transfers can vary depending on the major you apply for. Unfortunately, UCLA doesn't release specific transfer acceptance rates for each major, but I can still offer some general insights.

Majors within the School of Engineering and Applied Science (i.e., computer science, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering) are generally known to be more competitive than others due to their popularity and the high demand for jobs in those fields. Acceptance rates for these majors tend to be lower compared to some other programs.

Majors within the College of Letters and Science (i.e., humanities, social sciences, physical and life sciences) have a more diverse range of acceptance rates, with some being more competitive than others. For example, majors such as psychology, economics, and communications are typically highly sought after, and spaces in these programs can be limited, which might result in a more competitive admission process.

Finally, majors within the School of the Arts and Architecture (i.e., art, dance, design media arts, world arts and cultures), and the School of Theater, Film, and Television can also be fairly competitive, but they might require a portfolio or audition in addition to your regular transfer application.

While I can't provide you with specific acceptance rate numbers, I recommend focusing on your grades, prerequisite courses for your desired major, and extracurricular involvement to strengthen your transfer application. Each major has different requirements, so research the necessary prerequisites and make sure you meet or exceed those requirements for the best chance of being accepted into your desired major.

Good luck with your transfer application!

a year ago

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