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Stern ED acceptance rate?

Hey guys! I'm really interested in applying to NYU Stern, and I'm trying to decide whether to apply ED or regular. Does anyone know how much the ED acceptance rate differs from the regular decision rate at Stern? I've heard it's higher, but I couldn't find specific numbers.

a year ago

The exact early decision acceptance rate for NYU Stern can fluctuate each year, and the school typically doesn't release precise percentages. However, it's generally true that applying Early Decision can offer a notable advantage in the admissions process. The overall acceptance rate at NYU Stern is quite competitive, often being below 10%. While I don't have exact figures, applying ED is likely to increase your chances by a meaningful amount.

To provide some context, applying ED typically results in a 1.6x or 60% increase in your chances of admission to highly selective schools like NYU Stern. That means if, for example, your chances of getting accepted in the regular decision round were 5%, applying ED could potentially boost them to around 8%.

Keep in mind that applying early decision implies a binding commitment to attend the school if accepted, so make sure that NYU Stern is your top choice and that you're comfortable with the financial implications before submitting your application.

In the end, if you're confident that NYU Stern is your dream school, applying Early Decision can be a strategic move to maximize your chances of acceptance. However, if you're unsure or still considering other options, you may want to think more carefully about whether or not ED is right for you.

a year ago

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