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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What is the Dean's List?

I've heard some friends talking about the Dean's List recently. Can someone explain what it is and how it works? Are there any benefits to being on the Dean's List?

a year ago

The Dean's List is an academic honor awarded to undergraduate students at many colleges and universities in the United States (and some other countries) who achieve high grades during a particular semester or academic year.

The specific criteria for making the Dean's List may vary by institution and sometimes by individual academic departments or programs within a university. Generally, a student needs to achieve a minimum GPA (usually around 3.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale) and be enrolled in a certain number of credit hours to be considered for this honor.

Being on the Dean's List does come with some benefits. Firstly, it's a recognition of your hard work and academic achievement, which can be a source of pride and motivation. Additionally, it can be an impressive addition to your resume, showcasing your dedication to academic success and your ability to excel in your coursework. Employers and graduate schools may look favorably upon applicants who have consistently made the Dean's List throughout their college years.

Another potential benefit is that some schools may grant certain privileges or perks to Dean's List honorees, such as priority registration for classes or access to academic resources. Many colleges also highlight Dean's List students on their websites, in newsletters, and in other public announcements, providing added recognition and visibility for your achievements.

In summary, the Dean's List is an academic honor that recognizes outstanding academic performance and comes with a few benefits that can help to boost your resume and future prospects. Keep in mind that being on the Dean's List is not the sole determinant of success, but it does highlight your commitment to academics and your ability to excel in your studies.

a year ago

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