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What does B.S. mean in college?

I've been looking at college degrees and noticed the abbreviation 'B.S.' popping up a lot. Can someone tell me what it stands for? Appreciate the help!

a year ago

B.S. stands for Bachelor of Science, which is an undergraduate degree awarded by colleges and universities. It's earned upon completion of a program that generally emphasizes natural sciences, mathematics, engineering, or technology fields. For example, fields of study like biology, chemistry, physics, computer science, and engineering typically fall under the B.S. category.

The Bachelor of Science degree contrasts with the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree, which has a stronger focus on liberal arts and humanities subjects such as English, history, and psychology. Keep in mind that some subjects might offer both B.S. and B.A. options, allowing students to choose the degree type based on their preferences and interests.

Both B.S. and B.A. degrees typically take four years to complete, but the specific required courses, curriculum design, and the level of focus on the major subject can vary between institutions and degree programs. Remember that the particular major you choose plays a significant role in career opportunities and graduate school prospects.

a year ago

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