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General reference letter for student?

I'm applying to some summer programs and they require a general reference letter from a teacher. What kind of information should be included in it? How long should it be? Any advice on asking a teacher for a reference letter would be awesome!

a year ago

A general reference letter for a student typically includes the following information:

1. Introduction: The teacher should begin by introducing themselves, stating their position, and explain their relationship with you, such as the subjects they've taught you and for how long.

2. Academic achievements and performance: The teacher should discuss your academic strengths and performance in their class. For example, they can mention specific assignments or projects on which you've excelled, your class ranking, or your diligence in tackling challenging material.

3. Extracurricular involvement: If relevant, the teacher can discuss your involvement in clubs, student initiatives, or other extracurricular activities within school - especially if they were related to the subject they taught or if they served as a mentor or advisor to you.

4. Personal qualities and characteristics: The teacher should speak to your work ethic, passion, creativity, curiosity, or any other traits that stand out or are relevant to the summer program. Specific anecdotes or examples should be provided to illustrate these qualities.

5. Conclusion and recommendation: The teacher should conclude by summarizing their overall recommendation and why they believe you'd be a great fit for the program.

A reference letter should generally be no more than one page long (3-4 paragraphs) and be focused on your strengths and attributes relevant to the summer program.

When asking a teacher for a reference letter, follow these guidelines:

1. Choose a teacher who knows you well and has a positive impression of your performance and character. Ideally, select someone who has taught you in a subject related to the program you're applying for.

2. Give the teacher ample notice to write the letter – at least two to three weeks before the deadline.

3. Provide the teacher with relevant information about the program, including its focus, the qualities they're looking for in applicants, and any specific instructions or requirements for the letter.

4. Offer to provide any additional materials, such as your resume or a list of your accomplishments, to support the teacher in writing the letter.

5. Be polite and respectful when requesting the letter, understanding that teachers often have busy schedules and multiple students asking for recommendations.

Finally, don't forget to thank the teacher for their time and effort in writing the letter, and let them know the outcome of your application. Good luck with your summer program applications!

a year ago

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