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Sending High School Transcripts to Colleges?

I need to send my high school transcripts to the colleges I'm applying to, but I'm unsure of the process. How do I get my transcripts sent to multiple colleges, and what information do I need to provide to my high school?

10 months ago

Sending your high school transcripts to colleges can be a little confusing at first, but once you understand the process, it's quite straightforward. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you send your transcripts to multiple colleges:

1. Make a list of the colleges you're applying to and gather their official mailing addresses if you are sending them via postal mail.

2. Check each college's admissions website to see if they accept electronic transcripts, as many colleges now have specific partnerships with platforms like Naviance, Common App, Coalition App, or Parchment for electronic transcript submission. Make sure you're aware of the submission method preferred or required by each school.

3. Visit your high school's guidance or counseling office and inquire about their process for sending transcripts to colleges. Some schools may have an online request portal, while others may require you to fill out a paper request form.

4. Provide the necessary information to your high school when making your request. This usually includes the names and addresses of the colleges you're applying to, your full name, graduation year, and student ID number (if applicable). Additionally, if the college requires electronic submission, make sure to include the relevant e-mail address or account associated with the platform.

5. Specify whether you want an official or unofficial transcript to be sent. Remember that colleges typically require official transcripts, which have to be sent directly from your high school to the college, either through mail or electronically.

6. Inquire about any fees associated with sending transcripts. Some schools may charge a fee for each transcript sent, while others may offer a certain number of free transcripts.

7. Keep track of any deadlines associated with transcript submission, as well as your high school's processing time for transcript requests. Make sure you give your high school ample time to prepare and send your transcripts so they reach the colleges before the application deadlines.

8. After sending your transcripts, follow up with each college to make sure they've received them. You can typically check this through the college's application portal or by reaching out to the admissions office.

By following these steps, you should be able to send your high school transcripts to multiple colleges without any issues. Good luck with your college applications!

10 months ago

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