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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What are some common mistakes to avoid in my college essay?

Hi, I'm a junior and I'm starting to work on my college essay. I want to make sure it's the best it can be, so I'm wondering what common mistakes I should avoid. Can anyone provide some guidance? Thanks so much!

a year ago

Hello! It's great that you're starting your college essay early. Having gone through this process with my child recently, I can give you some tips on mistakes to avoid. First, avoid generic topics or clichés, like writing about winning the big game or a mission trip. Admissions officers read thousands of essays, and unique stories are more memorable. Second, don't try to impress by using complex vocabulary or over-the-top language; instead, focus on being genuine and authentic. Third, make sure you proofread multiple times and get someone else to review your essay as well. Spelling and grammatical errors can be a red flag for admissions officers. Fourth, avoid being too negative or focusing solely on hardships. While it's important to share your story, also demonstrate your growth and resilience. Lastly, make sure your essay reflects your voice and showcases your personality. Admissions officers are looking for a glimpse of who you are beyond your grades and test scores. I hope these tips help, and I wish you the best of luck with your college essay and application process!

a year ago

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