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Difference between quarter hours and semester hours?

Can someone explain the difference between quarter hours and semester hours? How do I convert one to the other when looking at college course credits?

10 months ago

Sure, I'm glad to help explain the difference between quarter hours and semester hours and how to convert between the two when evaluating college credits.

Quarter hours and semester hours are both units of measurement for college course credits. The main difference is the type of academic calendar used by the institution:

1. Semester System: In this system, the academic year is divided into two primary semesters, typically a Fall and Spring semester, each about 15-16 weeks long. A credit hour in a semester system usually corresponds to one hour of classroom instruction per week for the entirety of the semester. So, if a course is worth 3 semester credits, you would attend class for about 3 hours per week for the entire semester.

2. Quarter System: On the other hand, the academic year in the quarter system is divided into four quarters: Fall, Winter, Spring, and sometimes Summer (which varies depending on the institution). Each quarter is typically about 10-11 weeks long. A credit hour in the quarter system usually corresponds to one hour of classroom instruction per week for the entire quarter. If a course is worth 3 quarter credits, you would attend class for about 3 hours per week for the entire quarter.

To convert between quarter hours and semester hours when comparing college course credits, you can use the following conversion formula:

- Quarter Hours to Semester Hours: Divide the number of quarter hours by 1.5. For example, if you have 12 quarter hours, you would have 12 ÷ 1.5 = 8 semester hours.

- Semester Hours to Quarter Hours: Multiply the number of semester hours by 1.5. So, if you have 8 semester hours, you would have 8 x 1.5 = 12 quarter hours.

Just keep in mind these conversions are approximate, and individual colleges may have specific conversion rates or policies. It's always a good idea to verify with the college or university you're considering attending to get a better understanding of how they handle the conversion between the two systems.

10 months ago

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