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Holy Cross Transfer Acceptance Rate?

Hello everyone! I'm thinking of applying as a transfer student to Holy Cross and I was just curious about the transfer acceptance rate. Could someone please let me know how competitive it is? Thanks!

10 months ago

Hello! College of the Holy Cross does accept transfer students, but the acceptance rate can vary from year to year. While the college does not typically publish its transfer acceptance rate, Holy Cross tends to be a selective institution. To give you some context, the overall acceptance rate for first-year applicants for the Class of 2025 was around 33.3%.

However, keep in mind that transfer acceptance rates can be different from first-year ones, and the number of accepted transfer students might also depend on available space or other factors. While I don't have the specific transfer acceptance rate, it's safe to assume that competition for transfer spots could be similar to the overall acceptance rate.

To increase your chances of being accepted as a transfer student, make sure you have a strong academic record, solid extracurricular involvement, and a clear reason for wanting to transfer to Holy Cross. Good luck with your application!

10 months ago

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