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Software engineering: what courses should I take?

Hey guys! I'm really into software engineering and I'd like to get a head start on my career. Can any of you suggest which courses a high school student should take to be better prepared for a software engineering career? Cheers!

11 months ago

Hi there! It's great that you're already thinking about your future in software engineering. Here's a list of some courses you should consider taking during high school to build a strong foundation:

1. Computer Science: If your high school offers a computer science course, this is a must. It provides a solid understanding of programming concepts and can give you exposure to different programming languages, such as Python, Java, or C++.

2. AP Computer Science A and AP Computer Science Principles: These two AP courses build upon basic computer science knowledge by diving deeper into more sophisticated programming concepts and their real-world applications. AP Computer Science A focuses on Java programming, while AP Computer Science Principles covers broader topics like algorithms, data representation, and cybersecurity.

3. Math: Strong math skills are essential in software engineering. Make sure to take Algebra, Geometry, Pre-Calculus, and even Calculus if possible. If your school offers AP Calculus AB or BC, it's a good idea to challenge yourself with those courses as well, as the high-level analysis skills you learn in them will serve you well in your software engineering studies and career.

4. Physics: Having a good grasp of physics concepts can help you understand how computers and other technologies work at a deeper level. Look for courses like AP Physics 1 or AP Physics C if your school offers them.

5. Soft Skills: Software engineering involves working in teams, problem-solving, and communicating effectively. Consider taking classes like public speaking, debate, or other courses that enhance critical thinking and collaboration skills.

6. Electives: Look for electives that expose you to the field of software engineering, like design and technology, digital media, or even robotics classes if available.

Finally, outside of school, consider joining relevant clubs (e.g., coding club, robotics club) or participating in programming competitions to further develop your skills. You can also explore online platforms like Codecademy, edX, or Coursera to learn additional programming languages or deepen your knowledge in specific areas. And if you're looking to hone your coding skills over the summer when you have a little more flexibility in your schedule, CollegeVine's blog has you covered with a list of some of the most well-regarded computer science summer programs out there:

Best of luck on your journey to becoming a software engineer!

11 months ago

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