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Purdue transfer acceptance rate by major?

Hi there! I'm thinking about transferring to Purdue, and I'm curious about the acceptance rate for different majors. Anyone know where I can find this information or have any personal experience to share? Thanks!

a year ago

Hey there! While Purdue University doesn't publish its transfer acceptance rates on a major-by-major basis, it's possible to gather some general impressions about the competitiveness of certain programs. Here's what I can tell you about Purdue's transfer process:

1. The overall transfer acceptance rate at Purdue is around 56%, but this varies depending on the specific program you're interested in. Some majors, such as Engineering or Computer Science, might have lower acceptance rates due to high demand and limited space.

2. When evaluating a transfer candidate, Purdue looks at various factors like your college coursework, GPA, relevancy of completed courses to your desired major, and available space in the major/program you're applying for.

3. If you're transferring from a community college or another four-year institution, make sure to focus on completing prerequisite courses for your desired major. This will demonstrate that you've made an effort to prepare yourself for Purdue's curriculum.

4. Try to maintain a competitive GPA, ideally above a 3.0, as stronger academic records make your application more attractive.

It's not easy to provide acceptance rates for specific majors, but in general, more competitive programs will have lower acceptance rates. If you're interested in a particular major, I'd recommend reaching out to Purdue's transfer admissions office to get more information about the competitiveness of the program and any specific requirements they may have. Additionally, Purdue has a Transfer Credit Database that can help you see how your credits would transfer into your desired major.

Good luck with your transfer process, and I hope you find this information helpful!

a year ago

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