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UMD Transfer Requirements

Hey guys, I'm interested in transferring to the University of Maryland (UMD) and wanted to get a better understanding of their requirements for transfer students. Does anyone have information about their minimum GPA, credit hours, and required coursework for transfers?

a year ago

Hello! Transferring to the University of Maryland (UMD) can be a great opportunity, and I'm happy to help you understand their requirements for transfer students. Please note that these requirements may change over time, so it's essential to verify the information from UMD's official sources before applying.

1. Minimum GPA: UMD generally looks for a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 for transfer students. However, keep in mind that admission to UMD is competitive, and many admitted transfer students have GPAs significantly higher than this minimum. Aim for the highest GPA you can to strengthen your application.

2. Completed Credit Hours: Applicants should have completed at least 12 college-level semester credits (or 18 quarter credits) from a regionally accredited college or university at the time of application. Additionally, at most, 90 transferable semester credits can be applied towards your UMD degree from a combination of both two-year and four-year institutions.

3. Required Coursework: While UMD does not have specific required courses for all transfer students, they do emphasize the importance of completing coursework that aligns with their general education program and with the requirements of the intended major. Try to complete classes that match with UMD's gen-ed requirements, such as English Composition, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences. However, each academic program may have its prerequisites, so research your intended major's requirements on UMD's department websites.

Lastly, don't forget to submit your application and other required materials by the relevant deadline. UMD has two application deadlines for transfer students: March 1st for fall admission and October 15th for spring admission.

I hope this information gives you a clearer idea of what you need to be a competitive transfer applicant for UMD! Best of luck with your application process.

a year ago

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