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TI-84 vs TI-86 calculator: which is best for high school?

Hey everyone! So, I need to get a new graphing calculator, and I've been considering the TI-84 and the TI-86. Can someone give me some advice on which one would be better for a high school student? Are there major differences between the two? Thank you!

10 months ago

Hey there! Both the TI-84 and TI-86 are great graphing calculators, but there are a few key differences to consider when deciding which one is best for you as a high school student.

The TI-84 Plus is more widely recognized and used in high school math classes. The interface is user-friendly, and it comes in the standard model as well as the CE (color edition) version, which has a color screen. Many textbooks and teachers base their instruction on the TI-84, which makes it easier to follow along in class. Additionally, the TI-84 Plus is allowed on all major standardized tests, like the SAT, ACT, and AP exams.

On the other hand, the TI-86 is more advanced, has more memory, and is better suited for college-level math and engineering courses. However, it is not commonly used in high school settings and may not be approved for all standardized tests. Therefore, as a high school student, you might not benefit from all the additional functionalities this model offers.

In conclusion, I would recommend the TI-84 Plus for high school students because it is the most widely used and accepted option, and it fulfills all the necessary requirements for typical high school math courses. If you plan on taking advanced math or engineering courses in college, you can always invest in a more advanced calculator like the TI-86 at that time. Good luck!

10 months ago

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