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Marlborough School Los Angeles - Tuition costs?

I'm considering applying to Marlborough School in Los Angeles, but I'm a bit stressed about the tuition costs. Can someone let me know how much it typically costs per year for a high school student? Are there any financial aid options?

5 months ago

Marlborough School is a prestigious private institution, and as a result, tuition can be quite high. For the 2023-2024 academic year, tuition for high school students at Marlborough School was around $49,950. Keep in mind that tuition costs may change each year, so it's essential to double-check the school's website or contact their admissions office for the most updated information.

On a brighter note, Marlborough School does offer financial aid to those in need. Students applying for financial aid will be evaluated based on their family's financial circumstances, and awards are made on a sliding scale. In some cases, families with an annual income below a certain threshold may even be eligible for full tuition assistance. Financial aid packages at Marlborough School may cover tuition, books, and other school-related expenses.

To apply for financial aid, you'll typically need to submit documentation verifying your family's financial status. This may include tax returns, pay stubs, or other financial statements. Be sure to check the school's financial aid page or contact their financial aid office for specific application requirements, deadlines, and any forms you may need to submit.

I hope that helps alleviate some of your stress, and good luck with your application to Marlborough School!

5 months ago

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