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Ohio State Main Campus Acceptance Rate

Hey everyone, I'm interested in applying to Ohio State's main campus. Can anyone share some insight on their acceptance rate and how competitive it is?

5 months ago

Sure! Ohio State University's main campus, located in Columbus, Ohio, is a competitive public institution with a solid academic reputation. As of the latest data available, the acceptance rate at Ohio State's main campus is around 53-58%.

However, it's important to remember that acceptance rates can vary across different programs and majors within the University. Some particularly competitive programs might have a lower acceptance rate compared to the overall rate.

To maximize your chances of getting admitted, it's crucial to have a strong academic profile, which includes a high GPA, a rigorous course load with AP or honors classes, and competitive standardized test scores (if applicable). Additionally, having a well-rounded profile with extracurricular activities, good essays, and strong letters of recommendation can help you stand out as a candidate.

In summary, while Ohio State's main campus has a relatively accessible acceptance rate, it's still important to work hard on your application to ensure you meet or exceed the University's admission standards and present a compelling and unique profile. Best of luck with your application!

5 months ago

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