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Debate questions that are relevant for teenagers?

Hey there! I've noticed there's been a lack of discussion about issues that especially affect us as teenagers. Can you guys suggest some debate questions or topics that are relevant to our age group and experiences?

a year ago

Hello! It's a great idea to engage in debates and discussions on topics that impact teenagers' lives. Here are some questions and topics that you might find relevant:

1. The impact of social media on mental health: Is the constant exposure to social media detrimental to teenagers' mental well-being, or does it provide valuable support and connections for them?

2. College admissions and standardized testing: Should colleges continue using standardized test scores in the admissions process, or should they transition to a test-optional or test-blind policy?

3. The effectiveness of online learning: Has the shift to online learning since the pandemic impacted the quality of education for teenagers, and how might we address any challenges?

4. Climate change and the environment: How can teenagers take concrete actions to address climate change, and what role should schools play in promoting environmental awareness and sustainability?

5. Voting age: Should the voting age be lowered to 16, giving teenagers more of a voice in political decisions that impact their future?

6. Mental health resources in schools: Are schools doing enough to support students' mental health, and what additional resources should be implemented?

7. The role of extracurricular activities: How important are extracurricular activities in shaping teenagers' lives, and should schools place more emphasis on encouraging participation in these activities?

8. Cyberbullying and online harassment: What measures should be taken to combat cyberbullying, and how can teenagers navigate online spaces safely and respectfully?

9. Sex education in schools: What should comprehensive sex education cover, and how can we ensure that teenagers receive accurate and inclusive information?

10. The gig economy and future work: How might the gig economy impact the future job prospects of today's teenagers, and what skills should be emphasized to better prepare them for the changing world of work?

These topics not only stimulate meaningful discussions but also encourage critical thinking and the sharing of perspectives among your peers. Happy debating!

a year ago

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