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Introductory paragraph for argumentative essay

Hey there, I need to write an argumentative essay for my class, and I'm struggling with the introductory paragraph. Can someone provide some tips on how to write a good introduction to grab the reader's attention and set the stage for the rest of the essay?

11 months ago

Of course! A good introductory paragraph for an argumentative essay should have three key components: a hook, background information, and a clear thesis statement. Here's how you can approach each one:

1. Hook: Start with an attention-grabbing sentence or question that intrigues your reader and encourages them to want to learn more. You could use a relevant quote, a surprising statistic, or a thought-provoking question. Make sure the hook you choose is connected to the topic of your essay.

Example: "Did you know that 85% of ocean plastic comes from just five countries?"

2. Background Information: After your hook, provide context and background necessary for the reader to understand your argument. Keep it brief and concise, and only include what's essential to the argument. This could be an explanation of the issue at hand, its history, or any recent events related to it. This helps your reader understand what you'll be discussing and why it matters.

Example: "While recycling is often promoted as an essential part of reducing pollution, the issue of plastic waste in the environment extends far beyond personal recycling efforts. With the current system, plastic waste continues to accumulate in oceans, affecting marine life and ecosystems worldwide."

3. Thesis Statement: Finally, state your argument or position clearly and concisely, so your reader knows exactly what you're asserting. This statement should be specific and debatable, setting the stage for your subsequent arguments and refutations. It's also a good idea to briefly outline the main points you'll cover in your essay to give your reader a roadmap.

Example: "This essay will argue that to effectively combat ocean plastic pollution, countries should focus on implementing policies that reduce the production and consumption of single-use plastics, rather than solely relying on recycling initiatives."

Putting it all together, your introductory paragraph could look like this:

"Did you know that 85% of ocean plastic comes from just five countries? While recycling is often promoted as an essential part of reducing pollution, the issue of plastic waste in the environment extends far beyond personal recycling efforts. With the current system, plastic waste continues to accumulate in oceans, affecting marine life and ecosystems worldwide. This essay will argue that to effectively combat ocean plastic pollution, countries should focus on implementing policies that reduce the production and consumption of single-use plastics, rather than solely relying on recycling initiatives."

I hope this helps you create an engaging introduction for your argumentative essay! Good luck with your writing.

11 months ago

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