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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

How do I choose the right college for me?

Hello, I'm a junior and I'm starting to look at colleges, but I'm feeling overwhelmed by all the options. How do I choose the right college for me? What factors should I consider? Any advice would be really helpful!

a year ago

Hey there! I understand that the college search process can be overwhelming, but don't worry, you're not alone in this. Choosing the right college for you is a personal decision, and it's essential to take your time and consider various factors. First, think about the size of the school that would be comfortable for you. Some students prefer smaller colleges with a close-knit community, while others enjoy larger universities with more resources and opportunities. Next, consider location. Do you want to stay close to home or explore a different region? Keep in mind the climate, urban vs. rural settings, and proximity to family and friends. Academics are crucial as well. Make sure the college offers strong programs in your areas of interest. Don't forget about campus culture, extracurricular activities, and financial aid options. It's a good idea to visit campuses, attend open houses, and talk to current students to get a better feel for each school. Good luck with your search!

a year ago

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