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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Boston Leadership Institute Acceptance Rate

Hey everyone, I applied to the Boston Leadership Institute's Summer Program this year. Does anyone know what their acceptance rate is like? Just trying to get an idea of my chances of getting in. Thanks!

11 months ago

Hi there! While exact acceptance rates for Boston Leadership Institute's Summer Programs are not readily available, it is worth noting that the programs vary in their levels of selectivity. BLI typically looks for highly motivated and academically talented students. Your chances of getting accepted will depend on a combination of factors, such as your grades, course rigor, recommendation letters, and essays.

I encourage you to focus on the quality of your application and showcase your passion for the subject you have chosen to pursue at the BLI Summer Program. The more you can demonstrate your commitment and aptitude for the specific area of study, the better your chances.

Remember that the acceptance rate isn't the only factor to consider. Use this opportunity to refine your application and highlight your strengths. Best of luck, and I hope you get into the program!

11 months ago

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