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SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does Swarthmore offer Early Action?

Quick question: I was just wondering if Swarthmore offers Early Action as an application option? I couldn't find anything definitive online, but thought maybe someone here would know for sure. Thanks!

11 months ago

Swarthmore College does not offer an Early Action (EA) application option. Instead, they offer two decision plans: Early Decision (ED) and Regular Decision (RD).

There are two rounds of Early Decision at Swarthmore: Early Decision I (ED I) and Early Decision II (ED II). The deadlines for these rounds usually are in mid-November for ED I and mid-January for ED II. Early Decision is a binding agreement, which means if you're accepted, you're expected to enroll and withdraw all other college applications.

Regular Decision typically has a deadline in early January, and decisions are sent out in late March. This option is non-binding, allowing you to compare financial aid awards and make your final decision by the national deposit deadline, May 1st. If you're interested in applying to Swarthmore but aren't ready to commit to an Early Decision plan, your best option is to apply through Regular Decision. Good luck!

11 months ago

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