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What's the acceptance rate for Cornell's College of Arts and Sciences?

Hey everyone, I'm really drawn to the Cornell College of Arts and Sciences, and I was wondering about their acceptance rate. Is it the same as the overall university acceptance rate or is there a difference? Also, any advice on what they're looking for in applicants is much appreciated!

11 months ago

Hello! The acceptance rate for Cornell's College of Arts and Sciences can differ from the overall university acceptance rate. While the general Cornell acceptance rate for the Class of 2027 was 7.9%, the Arts and Sciences rate was 6.1%. Keep in mind that these rates can fluctuate each year depending on the number of applicants and available spots.

As for what the College of Arts and Sciences is looking for in applicants, academics obviously play a critical role, but Cornell also highly values applicants' extracurricular activities and demonstrated passion for their intended major. To make your application stand out, first focus on having a strong academic record, including rigorous coursework in high school along with good grades. This will showcase your ability to handle the challenging curriculum at Cornell.

Next, emphasize your extracurricular involvement and demonstrate a clear "spike" or area of specialization that highlights your passion for a particular subject. Since the College of Arts and Sciences offers programs within the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences, it's ideal to showcase your strengths in one or multiple related fields. Make sure to include experiences, such as internships, research opportunities, or leadership positions in clubs, that highlight your passion for your chosen area of study.

A strong and unique personal essay will also be crucial to setting yourself apart from other applicants. Be sure to share your story, focusing on a specific, meaningful event or personal growth experience that provides insight into who you are, your goals, and what you can contribute to Cornell's community.

Lastly, letters of recommendation from teachers who can speak to your abilities and potential in your chosen field can further bolster your application. Make sure to ask for these early and from teachers who know you well, so they have ample time to write thoughtful recommendations.

Best of luck as you work on your application to Cornell's College of Arts and Sciences!

11 months ago

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