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Does Tulane care about demonstrated interest?

Hey there! I'm really interested in Tulane, but I live on the other side of the country. Does Tulane take demonstrated interest into account during admissions? If so, how can I show them that I'm genuinely interested?

11 months ago

Yes, Tulane does consider demonstrated interest (which they refer to as "engagement") in their admissions process. Demonstrated interest can help show the admissions office that you are genuinely interested in attending their school, which may improve your chances of admission. Here are some ways you can demonstrate your interest from afar:

1. Campus visit: If it's feasible, visiting the campus and taking a tour can be a strong indicator of your interest. However, if you're unable to visit in person due to distance, you can still participate in virtual events, including information sessions and virtual tours.

2. Emailing your regional admissions officer: Reach out to your regional admissions officer, introduce yourself, and express your interest in Tulane. Feel free to ask specific questions about the college that demonstrate you've done your research. Be polite and concise in your emails.

3. Local events: Keep an eye out for college fairs or Tulane-specific events near you. If there are any, attend them and take the opportunity to meet with Tulane representatives. This not only demonstrates your interest but also allows you to gather additional information about the school.

4. Engage with Tulane on social media: Follow their social media platforms and interact with their content. Be cautious not to overdo it, though, as you want your engagement to appear genuine, not artificial.

5. Apply Early Decision (ED): If Tulane is your top choice, applying ED is a concrete way to show your commitment. When a student applies ED, they are committing to enroll at Tulane if offered admission. This binding agreement sends a strong message about your level of interest.

6. Strong application: Finally, crafting a high-quality application that shows you've thoroughly researched Tulane and explains how it's a good fit for your academic and personal goals can help demonstrate your interest. Pay particular attention to the "Why Tulane?" supplemental essay, making sure it's detailed and specific. For advice on tackling the Tulane supplement, check out this CollegeVine article:

Remember that while demonstrated interest can boost your application, it's still essential to focus on other aspects of your application like your grades, test scores (if available), extracurriculars, and essays. Demonstrated interest should complement, not overshadow, your overall application package.

11 months ago

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