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Good argumentative questions for a high school debate?

Hey everyone, my school's debate team needs some fresh argumentative questions to practice on. Any suggestions on what would be interesting and engaging for high school students to debate? Thanks in advance!

11 months ago

Hey! I'm happy to help you brainstorm some debate topics. Coming up with engaging and challenging topics is important for honing your team's skills and keeping things interesting. Here are some suggestions with a mix of current issues and timeless debate topics:

1. Should the voting age be lowered to 16?

2. Is social media doing more harm than good in society?

3. Should college education be free for everyone?

4. Is standardized testing an effective way to measure student performance?

5. Are single-gender schools beneficial for students' education?

6. Should schools implement a year-round academic calendar?

7. Are professional athletes overpaid?

8. Should internet privacy laws be more stringent?

9. Is a universal basic income a viable solution for economic inequality?

10. Should the death penalty be abolished?

11. Should schools have the power to regulate students' social media accounts?

12. Is the gig economy beneficial or harmful for workers?

13. Have we become too reliant on technology?

14. Should schools require students to take a mental health education course?

15. Are artificial intelligence and automation a threat to the job market?

These topics should provide plenty of material for engaging debate sessions. The key is to make sure everyone is well-prepared on both sides of the argument, regardless of their personal opinions. Good luck to your debate team, and I hope these topics inspire some great discussions!

11 months ago

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