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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is it better to take harder classes or get higher grades?

Hi everyone! I'm a junior, and I'm not sure whether I should prioritize taking harder classes or maintaining a high GPA. What do colleges value more, and what should I focus on? Thanks for any help!

a year ago

Hey there! It's always great to see students thinking ahead and planning for their college applications. From my experience with my own child's college application process, I can tell you that colleges often value a balance of both challenging courses and a strong GPA. They want to see that you're pushing yourself academically but also performing well in your classes. It's important to show colleges that you can handle a rigorous workload and succeed in it. That being said, it's also crucial not to overburden yourself with too many difficult classes, as this could lead to burnout and lower grades. My suggestion would be to take a few challenging courses in the areas you're most interested in or where you excel, while also focusing on maintaining a high GPA. Don't forget that extracurricular activities and other aspects of your application are crucial too! Ultimately, it's about finding the right balance between rigor and performance that works for you. Good luck, and I hope this helps!

a year ago

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