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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How do I choose which standardized test to take: SAT or ACT?

Hello! I'm a junior in high school and I haven't taken the SAT or ACT yet. I'm not sure which test I should take, and I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on how to choose between the two. Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hi there! It's great that you're thinking about which standardized test to take. My child faced a similar dilemma when they were in high school. One way to decide between the SAT and ACT is to take a practice test for each and see which one you feel more comfortable with. The SAT focuses more on problem-solving and critical thinking, while the ACT is more straightforward and tests your knowledge on specific subjects. Additionally, the ACT has a science section and an optional writing section, whereas the SAT has an optional essay. Check the requirements for the colleges you're interested in, as some may prefer one test over the other. Ultimately, it's best to choose the test that plays to your strengths and makes you feel more confident. Good luck, and remember, you can always take both tests if you're still unsure after trying out practice tests!

a year ago

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