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Taking Online AP Classes

Hi guys, I was wondering if taking online AP classes would be worth it? What has been your experience with these courses? Are they as well regarded as in-person classes?

11 months ago

Hi there! Online AP classes can be a great option, especially if your school doesn't offer a specific AP course you're interested in or if you have scheduling conflicts. I've heard from many students who've had positive experiences with online AP classes, although the experience can vary depending on the platform and the teacher.

In terms of how they are regarded, colleges generally view online AP courses similarly to in-person classes, as long as the online course is accredited and recognized by the College Board. They understand that students might take online courses for a variety of reasons, and their primary concern is your willingness to challenge yourself academically. The most important thing is to perform well in the class and, if possible, earn a high score on the AP exam.

However, keep in mind that online classes can require more discipline and organization, as the schedule is often more flexible and might require you to work independently. To succeed in online AP classes, it's important to stay on top of assignments, participate in online discussions, and reach out to the instructor if you need clarification or extra help.

Overall, taking online AP classes can be a valuable option if you're looking to challenge yourself academically and gain college credits. As long as you put in the effort and stay engaged, colleges should view your online AP classes as just as rigorous as in-person classes. Good luck!

11 months ago

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