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Northwestern ED Acceptance Rate

Hi everyone! I'm thinking about applying Early Decision to Northwestern. Does anyone know the acceptance rate for ED applicants? Is it significantly higher compared to RD? Any advice is appreciated.

11 months ago

Hi! Northwestern does have a higher acceptance rate for Early Decision (ED) applicants compared to their overall acceptance rate. For 2022-23 admissions cycle, Northwestern's overall acceptance rate was around 7%, whereas the ED acceptance rate was approximately 20%. Keep in mind that these numbers can vary from year to year, and acceptance rates can be influenced by the quality and quantity of applications submitted.

Applying ED can be advantageous if Northwestern is your top choice and you are confident in your decision. Schools like Northwestern appreciate the commitment ED applicants are making, as they are required to enroll if accepted. This can help yield management, which is one of the reasons why ED acceptance rates are generally higher than RD rates at selective schools.

However, it's essential to consider the financial aspect of applying ED. Unlike Early Action, which is non-binding, ED is a binding agreement, which means you have to attend the school if you are accepted, barring any extreme financial circumstances. Make sure you and your family are comfortable with Northwestern's financial aid policies and the potential costs before applying ED.

In summary, the Northwestern ED acceptance rate is higher than the RD rate, but remember that applying ED is a big commitment. Thoroughly review your decision, and if you feel confident about attending Northwestern, applying ED can be a strategic move to increase your chances of acceptance. Good luck!

11 months ago

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