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SAT scores for Santa Clara University?

Hello, I'm currently researching Santa Clara University and I can't seem to find any information on the school's SAT score expectations. Can someone help me out and provide some insight on the score range? Thanks!

11 months ago

Sure, I'd be happy to help! While Santa Clara University does not publish official SAT score ranges for admitted students, we can provide you with the middle 50% score range based on previous years' data as a reference. Keep in mind that these numbers might not be entirely accurate for the upcoming application cycle, but they'll give you a general idea of where you would want your scores to be.

For Santa Clara University, the middle 50% score range of admitted students is approximately 1290-1480. This means that 25% of students scored below 1290 and 25% scored above 1480. If you fall within this range, you would generally be considered a competitive applicant in terms of test scores.

However, Santa Clara University, like most colleges, takes a holistic approach to evaluating applications. This means they not only consider your test scores but also your grades, extracurricular involvement, essays, and letters of recommendation, among other factors. So while achieving a strong SAT score is certainly important, it's not the only factor that will influence your chances of admission.

I hope this helps you get a better understanding of the SAT score expectations for Santa Clara University. Good luck with your college applications!

11 months ago

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