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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Can I submit an additional essay with my college application?

Hello, I'm a junior, and I want to submit an additional essay with my college application to explain some unique circumstances. Is this a good idea, and how can I make sure it's well-written and relevant? Thanks for any advice, and collegevine, you're always there when we need you!

11 months ago

Hey there! It's great that you're thinking ahead about your college application and considering how to present your unique circumstances. Submitting an additional essay can indeed be a good idea if it helps to provide context for your situation that isn't covered elsewhere in the application. To make sure it's well-written and relevant, here are a few tips you can follow: 1. Be concise and to the point. Admissions officers have a lot to read, so make sure your essay is clear and gets the message across efficiently. 2. Focus on how your unique circumstances have shaped you as a person and influenced your academic journey. This will help demonstrate your resilience and personal growth. 3. Proofread your essay multiple times and consider asking someone you trust, like a teacher or a counselor, to provide feedback. They can offer valuable insights on how to improve your writing. Good luck with your application, and remember that it's always a good idea to seek advice from those with experience, like the folks at CollegeVine. They've helped many students in situations like yours!

11 months ago

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