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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

How can I make a strong college application without a high GPA?

Hey guys, I'm a junior with a somewhat lower GPA than I'd like. I know that GPA is important for college admissions, but what are some ways I can make my application strong and appealing even if my GPA isn't the best? Thanks for any suggestions!

a year ago

Hello! I understand that having a lower GPA can be a concern when it comes to college applications. However, there are several ways to make your application stand out and demonstrate your potential to colleges. First, focus on improving your standardized test scores. Doing well on the SAT or ACT can help offset a lower GPA and show that you have strong academic abilities. Next, consider showcasing your extracurricular activities and involvement. Colleges appreciate well-rounded students who are engaged in their community. Develop your leadership skills by taking on leadership roles in clubs or organizations, and consider participating in community service projects. You can also demonstrate your passion and commitment to a particular field by participating in internships, research projects, or other relevant experiences. Additionally, strong recommendation letters from teachers, counselors, or mentors who know you well can help provide a more comprehensive picture of your abilities and potential. Finally, put effort into crafting a compelling personal statement or essay that highlights your strengths, experiences, and personal growth. This is an opportunity for you to show your personality and share your story with the admissions officers. Remember, GPA is just one aspect of your application, and colleges will consider many factors when assessing your candidacy. Good luck!

a year ago

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