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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Do I need a portfolio for art-related majors?

Hey everyone! I'm a junior interested in pursuing an art-related major. Do I need to submit a portfolio as part of my application? If so, what should it include? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hi there! It's great to hear that you're considering an art-related major. In most cases, yes, you would need to submit a portfolio as part of your application for art-related programs. Colleges usually require a portfolio to get a better understanding of your artistic abilities, style, and potential for growth in their programs. The specific requirements for a portfolio may vary depending on the school and the program you're applying to, so it's essential to research and follow the guidelines provided by each institution. Generally, a portfolio should include a variety of your best work that showcases your skills and interests in different mediums and styles. This could include drawings, paintings, sculptures, photography, digital art, or any other medium that you're passionate about. Some schools may also require an artist statement or ask you to describe your work and artistic goals. Make sure to take the time to thoughtfully curate your portfolio, and don't be afraid to ask for feedback from teachers, mentors, or peers. By presenting a well-rounded and polished portfolio, you'll be in a better position to stand out to college admissions committees. Good luck, and I hope this helps you in your college application journey!

a year ago

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