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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is it better to apply Early Action or Regular Decision?

Hey guys, I'm a junior in high school and I've been researching colleges. I've seen that some schools offer Early Action and Regular Decision, and I'm not sure which one to choose. Are there any benefits to applying Early Action, or should I stick with Regular Decision? Thanks for any help!

a year ago

Hey there! I can understand why you might be conflicted between applying Early Action and Regular Decision. My child went through the same process a couple of years ago. The main advantage of Early Action is that you'll receive your admission decision earlier, usually in December or January. This can help you feel more at ease, especially if you get accepted to a college you're really excited about. Additionally, some colleges may have higher acceptance rates during Early Action compared to Regular Decision. However, Early Action might not be the best choice if you believe your application would be stronger later in the year, perhaps after improving your grades or taking part in more extracurricular activities. Regular Decision gives you more time to work on your application and gather all necessary materials. Ultimately, it depends on your personal situation and how confident you feel about your application. Good luck with your decision!

a year ago

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