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How to Write a Strong Argumentative Essay Intro?

Hi everyone! I've been working on improving my argumentative essay writing, and I'm stuck on writing a strong intro. Can someone give me some tips or share a good example for an argumentative essay introduction?

4 months ago

Hi there! A strong argumentative essay introduction should include a hook, background information, your thesis statement, and a brief roadmap of your essay. Here's how to craft each part:

1. Hook: Capture your reader's attention with a creative and engaging opening statement. It could be a surprising fact, a relevant anecdote, or a provocative question.

Example: "Imagine living in a world where no child has access to a healthy meal – this disturbing reality is closer than you might think."

2. Background information: Provide context for your topic by briefly introducing the issue, explaining its relevance, and addressing misconceptions if necessary.

Example: "Childhood hunger is a critical issue, affecting millions of children worldwide. While many believe it's a problem of underdeveloped countries, it also significantly impacts developed nations like the United States."

3. Thesis statement: Clearly articulate your position on the issue and outline the main argument you will defend throughout your essay.

Example: "In order to effectively combat childhood hunger, it is necessary to implement a comprehensive strategy that includes increased funding for nutrition programs, strengthened policy frameworks, and high-quality education on proper nutrition for all children."

4. Roadmap: Give a brief overview of the main points you will discuss in the body of your essay. This helps your reader understand your essay's structure and what to expect.

Example: "This essay will examine the role of schools in providing nutritious meals, analyze the importance of nutrition education, and explore the need for increased government investment in child hunger initiatives."

Putting it all together, here's a sample introduction for an argumentative essay on childhood hunger:

"Imagine living in a world where no child has access to a healthy meal – this disturbing reality is closer than you might think. Childhood hunger is a critical issue, affecting millions of children worldwide. While many believe it's a problem of underdeveloped countries, it also significantly impacts developed nations like the United States. In order to effectively combat childhood hunger, it is necessary to implement a comprehensive strategy that includes increased funding for nutrition programs, strengthened policy frameworks, and high-quality education on proper nutrition for all children. This essay will examine the role of schools in providing nutritious meals, analyze the importance of nutrition education, and explore the need for increased government investment in child hunger initiatives."

Remember to revise and tailor your introduction to fit your specific topic, and you'll be off to a great start in your argumentative essay! Good luck!

4 months ago

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