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RISD waitlist acceptance rate

Hey! I was recently waitlisted at RISD and I'm trying to stay hopeful. Does anyone know the waitlist acceptance rate or any information about how likely it is to be accepted after being placed on the waitlist? Thanks for any info!

11 months ago

Hey there! I understand that being on the waitlist can be nerve-wracking. While specific waitlist acceptance rates vary from year to year, it's important to keep in mind that they're generally low due to the competitive nature of RISD admissions. In some years, RISD may admit only a handful of students from the waitlist, while in other years, they might admit more. This will depend on factors like the overall number of accepted students who choose to enroll, available spaces, and the composition of the class.

It's difficult to predict the exact chances of being admitted from the waitlist, but there are a few things you can do to improve your chances. First, you could write a letter of continued interest (LOCI) to the admissions office, emphasizing your strong interest in RISD and any updates or achievements since submitting your application. Second, make sure to accept your position on the waitlist and follow any required steps provided in the waitlist notification.

While it's crucial to stay hopeful, it's also a good idea to have a backup plan. Keep an open mind about alternate college options, because every school has its unique opportunities for growth and learning.

I hope this helps, and I wish you the best of luck!

11 months ago

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