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Difference between a major and a minor degree?

Hello! I've been hearing about major and minor degrees lately, and I'm a little confused. Obviously, I know a major is what you primarily study in college, but what's a minor? Is it just a secondary area of interest or is it more structured like a major?

11 months ago

Hello! Great question. A major is indeed your primary area of study in college, whereas a minor is a secondary area of interest. A major typically requires a substantial number of credit hours (usually between 30-60 credits) and often includes specific classes and sequences you must take to complete the requirements. This ensures a depth of knowledge in your chosen field.

On the other hand, a minor is a more focused area of study that allows you to dive into a secondary interest. While a minor still has required courses and credit hours (usually between 15-30 credits), it is less demanding and structured than a major. This provides an opportunity for students to explore additional interests in greater depth without committing as much time or effort as they would to a major.

In some cases, students may choose a minor that complements their major in a way that enhances their career prospects, while others might pick minors purely out of personal interest, even if they don't directly relate to their desired career path. For example, let's say a student is majoring in Computer Science but has a strong interest in history. They may decide to minor in History as a way to complement their major while still gaining some in-depth knowledge in that field.

Ultimately, a minor degree can help you gain additional knowledge and skills that might be valuable in your future career or personal life, but it's not as extensive or in-depth as your major.

11 months ago

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