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Typical Acceptance Rate for GaTech CS program?

Hi guys! Does anyone know the typical acceptance rate for the Georgia Tech computer science program? I know GaTech is a prestigious school for CS, and I just want to get a better understanding of my chances at getting accepted.

11 months ago

The acceptance rate at Georgia Tech can vary from year to year, but recent data indicates that the overall admission rate has been around 18-23%. However, it's important to note that acceptance rates for specific programs, such as Computer Science, might be lower due to the high demand and strong competition.

While it's useful to know general acceptance rates, it's crucial to remember that your chances of getting accepted will depend on your individual profile, including GPA, test scores (if available), extracurricular activities, and essays. Additionally, applying Early Action can increase your chances if Georgia Tech is your top choice.

To gauge your chances at getting accepted into Georgia Tech's Computer Science program, it's helpful to research the academic profile of previously admitted students, so you can see how your qualifications compare. Ultimately, a strong application with excellent academics, meaningful extracurriculars, and powerful essays will give you the best shot at being accepted.

11 months ago

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