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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What exactly is Early Decision 2?

Hey folks, so I came across this term 'Early Decision 2' and I'm not quite sure what it means. Could someone explain it to me? What's the difference between ED1 and ED2? Should I consider it for my applications?

11 months ago

Hello! Early Decision 2 (ED2) is an application option offered by some colleges, usually in addition to the more common Early Decision 1 (ED1). Both options are binding, which means that if you're accepted, you're committed to attending the school and must withdraw any other applications you've submitted.

The primary difference between ED1 and ED2 is the application deadline and notification date. ED1 deadlines typically fall in early November, with decisions released in mid-December. On the other hand, ED2 deadlines are usually in January, with decisions released in mid-February. This timeline gives you more time to finalize your application materials and to thoughtfully consider your first-choice college.

You should consider applying ED2 if you have a clear top choice but need additional time to strengthen your application, or if you were not accepted into your ED1 school and want to demonstrate strong interest in your next top choice. Keep in mind, though, that applying ED2 is still a binding commitment, so you should weigh the pros and cons carefully and only apply if you're sure the college is your absolute top choice and that the binding commitment won't present financial constraints.

Applying ED (either ED1 or ED2) can increase your chances of admission to selective schools because it shows your strong interest in the institution, and because colleges value yield (the percentage of accepted students who enroll). However, have a plan B and be prepared to submit regular decision applications to other schools as well, in case things don't work out with your ED application.

In summary, Early Decision 2 is a binding application option with a later deadline than Early Decision 1, which allows you to demonstrate strong interest in a specific college and potentially increase your chances of admission there. However, consider ED2 only if you're confident that the school is your top choice and you're willing to commit to attending if accepted, like ED1.

Best of luck with your college applications!

11 months ago

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