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Chances at Michigan State University?

Hi everyone! I have Michigan State University on my list of colleges, and I just want to know how hard is it to get accepted there? Can anybody shed light on their admission process or give any advice?

11 months ago

Hey! Michigan State University (MSU) has a moderately selective admission process, with an acceptance rate of around 83-88%. While the admissions process is holistic, your academics play a significant role in determining your chances of getting accepted.

To put yourself in a strong position for admission, consider the following academic statistics of previously admitted students:

1. GPA: MSU usually looks for a high school GPA of around 3.8 or above. However, they still accept students with slightly lower GPAs if they exhibit other strengths.

2. SAT/ACT Scores: In recent years, admitted students had an average SAT score of 1210 and ACT score of 27. Though MSU is currently test-optional, submitting strong standardized test scores can enhance your application.

3. Rigorous Coursework: MSU values academic rigor, so they appreciate seeing that you've taken on challenging courses, such as AP or IB classes, where available at your high school.

While these academic factors are essential, MSU also evaluates other aspects of your application, like your extracurricular activities, personal essay, and recommendation letters. To strengthen your application, try to demonstrate your dedication to specific activities or interests, showcase your authentic personality in your essay, and obtain strong recommendations from teachers or counselors.

Lastly, pay close attention to the application deadline and requirements. MSU's regular decision deadline is February 1st. However, it's advisable to apply earlier, as they review applications on a rolling basis, and spots may fill up.

Best of luck with your application to Michigan State University, and feel free to ask any follow-up questions you might have!

11 months ago

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