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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Good rant topics for students?

Hey everyone! We have a speaking assignment in my English class where we can rant about a topic that affects students. I'm having a hard time choosing a subject, so do any of you have suggestions on what would make a good rant topic that's relevant to high school students? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hey there! It's always fun to have a bit of freedom to choose a topic for an assignment. Rant topics can be pretty engaging and insightful, so here are a few ideas that might interest you:

1. Standardized Testing: Discuss the potential drawbacks of standardized tests like the SAT, ACT, or AP exams, and how they may not be the best measure of academic success or promise.

2. College Admissions Pressure: Talk about the stress that high school students face when applying to college, from GPA-focused course loads to the time and money spent on extracurriculars, standardized tests, and everything in between.

3. Homework Overload: Discuss the strain homework can put on students, especially when they have numerous time-consuming commitments like sports or clubs, and the impact of heavy workloads on students' mental health.

4. Dangers of Social Media: Dive into a discussion about the possible negative effects of social media on the lives of high school students, such as cyberbullying, self-esteem, and privacy concerns.

5. Mental Health Support: Raise awareness about the need for better mental health resources for high school students, as well as the ongoing stigma surrounding mental health throughout society.

6. Sleep Deprivation: Explore the impact of early school start times and excessive workload on students' sleep patterns and overall well-being.

Remember that your rant topic should not only resonate with you, but also incite thought-provoking discussions amongst your peers. Don't be afraid to express your views and remember to back up your arguments with relevant examples to make your rant engaging and persuasive. Good luck!

a year ago

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