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How should I describe my National Honor Society involvement on the Common App?

Hey, I'm working on my Common App and I want to make sure I do justice to my National Honor Society experience. How should I go about describing it in the activities section?

11 months ago

When describing your National Honor Society (NHS) involvement on the Common App, focus on demonstrating your leadership, dedication, and contributions to your community. Here's a suggested format for presenting the activity:

1. Position/Leadership: Begin with any leadership positions you held within the NHS, such as President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, or Committee Chair. If you didn't have a formal title but took on significant responsibilities, describe your role as an Active Member or Volunteer Leader.

2. Organization Name: National Honor Society (NHS)

3. Time Commitment: Make sure to accurately reflect the hours per week and weeks per year you dedicated to the NHS to give admissions officer an idea of your level of involvement. Remember, consistency and commitment are important factors when colleges evaluate extracurricular activities.

4. Activity Description: Use the description box to describe your specific responsibilities, achievements, and impact within the NHS. Possible points to address include:

- Organizing and participating in service projects or events

- Collaborating with other members to achieve group goals

- Mentoring younger students or leading tutoring sessions

- Fundraising efforts and their results

- Personal growth and development through the NHS experiences

Be concise (remember, you're working with a tight character count) and specific, and use strong action verbs to illustrate your involvement. Remember to focus not only on your individual achievements but also on the broader outcomes of your projects to showcase the positive impact made on your school and community.

Here's an example description:

"Vice President, National Honor Society. Organized 3 annual blood drives, raising awareness & recruiting 100+ student donors. Led tutoring program for underclassmen, aiding 30 students in math and science."

By focusing on leadership, dedication, and impact, your description will stand out and clearly demonstrate the value you brought to your NHS chapter and your community. Best of luck with your college applications!

11 months ago

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